Friday, September 7, 2012

What I'd Really Like to Do

Today's work consists of some things that did not get done yesterday, and then a look at what needs to be done for upcoming events, while all the time in the back of my mind what I'd really like to do is to change the world for the better. There are a list of world issues that I would like to address and it seems that I'm not alone in this. But as an individual, I feel powerless in comparison to the weight of the mass. I have been dismissed one too many times by people in positions of power and with money, which has sent me a message of insignificance. And I sense that people are quite entrenched in their habitual assumptions about the world. But in my mind and body, I feel the steps to change the world for the better, they are there. I wonder, what one person can do to change the world for the better, if they want to. I think about it every day.

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