Thursday, July 7, 2011

I spend a fair amount of time online reading posts about the music business and talking with fellow musician friends who are trying to navigate the vagaries of it. I also work on my own activities every day. One thing I find being commonly expressed is frustration at wanting more "success" than one has, whether it be more action, more exposure, more money, more opportunities, more acknowledgment...the list is long. Many compare their own careers to others. Most are sensitive to rejection. And some blame "the way the world is" for their lack of a dream come true. Seems to me that the very desire for things to be different than they are is at the root of this frustration. What kind of an idea is it that things should be different than the reality we are living at the moment? What part of our brain does this come from? Especially for musicians, whose very essence of chosen artistic expression is all about being in the curious as to why so many musicians drop that gift when we're not in the moment of playing music.

1 comment:

  1. A great thing about being an amateur - one doesn't have to measure success by anything external to one's self.
