These days I'm wanting to hear music 'live' and in person. Recorded music is wonderful, good for the long car ride, the distraction from traffic, yoga, cooking, behind the dinner party, helping me clean the house, relaxing...all of those places are good settings for recorded music. But when it comes to people who make the music, and the condition of music itself, I'm interested in the people and the sounds; what they are doing, tuning up their instrument, concentrating, playing something differently every time it's performed, trying to make something beautiful, being in the now. Music is completely in the now. And the people who create it are intrinsically and subtly more interesting than a recording. When watching and listening to people playing music, we are in a natural 'virtual world' state, the very one that we live in. The experience and the music fill up space, it reaches our bones, it inspires continuing thought and emotion, all of our senses are involved. Once we capture the music and put it in a format, it freezes it, which is a different setting for what music naturally is. For me, 'live 'music is a vital medium. I want to hear at least as much or more 'live' music, as recorded music.
I'm obviously not trying to sell recordings here. : )
...But specifically I recommend 'Blooming' for your next road trip.
Darrell Scott's on-the fly solos are worth the $15, and brilliant recording work. You should have seen him 'live' in the recording studio, as I did.
Be Well and Prosper,
Kate MacLeod